Our Founder

Kgomotso Twagirayezu, CEO

In 2015 the dream began for our founder. Her interest and passion for cosmetics was sparked. This passion led her to be a self-taught natural cosmetics formulator and she had the privilege to meet one of Botswana’s morula oil producer in 2018 which led her to start her own brand.

Our founder is always researching about cosmetics and cosmetic formulations due to the passion she has, also as a way to gain more insight on how things are made. She believes that what one puts on their skin should be natural, plant-based, sustainably, fairly and ethically sourced, which is what Shedol is about.

Shedol Cosmetics
Our Story

We are on a journey of discovering ancient African oils and butters which have long been used by our forefathers for medicinal and skin nourishing purposes. Our formulations will maintain, replenish and renew the skin, using well researched ingredients from across 54 African countries-hence the slogan “African roots in a jar”.

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Our Story Continues

Our value chain is our pride: our raw materials are sourced from the African rural communities, the kernels, fruit and seeds in which the oils and butters are derived from are handpicked by men and women who then sell to local processors. We purchase these processed raw materials manufacture our skin care products and sell them back to the community and the world

Partnerships goes a long way: we love to partner with locals to create master pieces, especially our arts & culture community, our local designers and our local impactful celebrities, to increase our value chain and hold each other's hand to grow. Our toiletry bags, cosmetic bars, home range stands and woven baskets are all made by the youth in the arts and culture.

Our Core Values


Our product range caters for all skin types and genders. All our products contain natural ingredients that will enhance the beauty and confidence of our clients. Most of our natural ingredients such as Morula oil and Mongongo oil are sourced from local suppliers. We also love partnering with local artists to promote their indigenous artworks.


We love partnering with our local arts & culture community to create master pieces.

Cruelty Free

Shedol products are not and will never be tested on animals.

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